
Rebecca’s Royal Academy Young Artist Success

22 May 2023

Written by Rebecca, Year 12

Earlier this year, I entered a photograph into the Royal Academy Young Artists’ Summer Show 2023, a competition for 4-19 year olds across the UK. It is a great opportunity to create and share art in many different mediums. This month, I found out that not only will my work feature in the online exhibition, but it will be displayed in the Royal Academy Gallery in London in July.

The photography I entered is titled ‘Being 17’, and here is the description I added to be displayed alongside the photograph:

“My photography is always candid and captures a natural moment in time, like a still in a film. My friends were in an arcade, and as they looked over to me I took a photograph. Instantly they went back to playing the game, and when I later showed them this picture, they didn’t remember it being taken.

The photo captures the vitality and spontaneity of a moment where nothing is staged. Colour is also a very fundamental element. Initially, I was drawn to the LED lights casting unusual colours on their faces. During editing, I used digital effects to emphasise certain colours. I also tried to bring out the juxtaposition of the blurred and sharp details. My main inspiration behind this photo was cinematography, specifically the colouring of Wong Kar Wai’s movies where the colours are heightened.”


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