
Your daughter’s physical health and wellbeing will be cared for to the highest standards during her time at school. We have trained health specialists onsite at all times, as well as a fantastic School Nurse at the Health Centre, who can dispense medicine and provide advice about health and medical matters.

The emotional wellbeing of every student is also carefully monitored through a support network including her teachers, her form tutor and her head of year, as well as via more holistic strategies including our PSHCE programme and our innovative use of The Positive Programme, an innovative system which seeks to optimise pupils’ emotional literacy and resilience.

Form tutors and subject teachers are trained to look out for signs of students being unhappy or behaving differently, which they are trained in discreetly enquiring after and, if helpful, referring onwards. Students are encouraged to talk about any issues they are having with our School Nurse or, should they wish, our school counsellors, who offer sessions and onward referral, with parental permission, should students feel this would be beneficial.

They also know they can also pop in for a chat with the School Nurse, our Deputy Head or a Head of Year whenever they feel like it. Sometimes that’s all it takes!

Read more about our pastoral care and counselling provision or learn more about our individual health policies via the links below.


School Asthma Card

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