
Sports Day 2022

8 July 2022

Earlier this week, the whole school was filled with the roar of fun, friendly, and competitive spirit for Sports Day!

The school field was a sea of reds, greens, blues and yellows as students and staff proudly geared their House colours. Starting off the day with a Zumba warm-up lead by Mrs Solovyova and Mrs Berry, students quickly and eagerly moved to their respective activities. From long jump, javelin, and shot put to relays, sack race and egg & spoon race, there was something for every student (and member of staff!) to participate in. It was so wonderful to see everyone giving their best and enjoying the day! There were also some outstanding performances, in particular Cecily in Year 10 who cleared 1.57m for the high jump, therefore beating the previous record by 9cm which has been held for 16 years!

The highlight event was certainly the tug of war, with all years loudly and proudly cheering for their House to win.

In the afternoon, everyone was fervently waiting for the results and we are delighted to announce that Ares were crowned overall winners!

There were also individual winners for each year group:

Year 7
House Winner – Zeus
Victrix Ludorum – Charlotte C and Camille L

Year 8
House Winner – Poseidon
Victrix Ludorum – Bea B

Year 9
House Winner – Athena
Victrix Ludorum – Harriet M

Year 10
House Winner – Ares
Victrix Ludorum – Imogen G

Congratulations to all winners, and a huge well done to everyone who took part!

Tags: Sports Day

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