
South East Schools Chamber Music Competition

27 February 2023

Written by Teresa, Year 11

On Monday 27th February 2023 students gathered outside before school (which was too early for some), ready to take the coach to Wycombe Abbey School, where the South East Schools Chamber Music Competition was held.

Once we arrived (and after we had finished marvelling at the beauty of the school grounds and questioning why Wycombe Abbey had a school shop), we were shown to the Performing Arts Centre. There, having unpacked our instruments, the music making began. 

Each group performed a piece of music (there was a surprising variety of music which was very refreshing) and received a short feedback session with Michael Dussek, a distinguished pianist with great experience in chamber music. His comments were encouraging and his insights gave us some new musical ideas on how to improve our playing. It gave many of us a great opportunity to perform to a friendly audience and learn from an expert in the field. 

It was fantastic to see so many different groups play: there were piano trios, a string quintet and even a clarinet quartet (which I personally really enjoyed). It was really special to see how music brought together students from all year groups. Now we patiently await news on whether any OHS group has made it to the final, which takes place on Tuesday 14th March 2023. 


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