
TEDx OxfordHighSchoolGDST Youth: Embracing New Realities for a Brighter Future

21 March 2024

TEDx Oxford High School GDST Youth took place on Tuesday 12th March 2024, leaving a lasting impact on attendees as we explored the theme of “New Realities: The Big Questions Shaping Our Future.” This event brought together educators, business leaders, students and parents from the OHS community, sparking conversations that will shape our students – the leaders of tomorrow.

Exploring Life Beyond the Classroom

The event kicked off with a dynamic welcome by year 13 MCs Maddie D and Emma L, setting the stage for Theme One: “Life Beyond the Classroom: How to Thrive in the New Adulthood.” Mrs Gardiner Legge, Head of Oxford High School GDST, and Claire Davenport, CEO, NED and Angel Investor, unveiled insights into empowering young voices for this new era. Students shared perspectives on AI (year 9 students Emilia N, Evie H, Alice Z, Maia M and Maria F) and lessons from outer space (year 13 students Tilly H, Katharina M and Alice M).

Navigating the Future Isn’t Artificial

Transitioning to Theme Two, “The Future Isn’t Artificial,” attendees were treated to a captivating spoken word performance by Esther K and discussions on the importance of curiosity in AI by Jennie Lees from Google DeepMind. Amy W, a Year 11 student, shared her insights on creativity’s critical link to progress, inspiring the audience with her innovative perspective.

Embracing the Power of the Friendly Challenger

In the final segment, “The Power of the Friendly Challenger: The Ultimate Activist,” Florence H challenged stigmas around disability, while Rosemarie E defined activism with a compelling narrative. The event closed with a powerful ensemble talk from year 5 and 6 Prep School children, showcasing the diverse range of female activists who inspired them to use their voices.

We look forward to sharing full videos of each talk over the coming weeks.

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