
Head’s Blog

21 March 2024

‘Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.’ – Maya Angelou

When I look back on the flashing comet that was this term I think about the power of speaking up and out and the courage it requires. This has been a term where opportunities for our young women to demonstrate their talents and to express themselves have come thick and fast and you will read about so many of those in this newsletter. Whether it’s in the Science lab, the cross country path, the classroom, the football pitch, in computer code, in mathematical formulae or the poem, our students all find ways to express themselves in ways that some of us aren’t even aware of yet.

One example is the Notting Hill and Ealing Film Awards which I circulated to the school one Monday lunchtime. The following week I learn of three finalist entries, only one of which we were aware of. That inclination to grab every opportunity with both hands is a great testimony to the hunger of our students to find their space.

Last week it was a pleasure to welcome so many of you to our TEDx talk kindly supported and sponsored by the GDST. As I mentioned to so many of you, usually the people in the spotlight at these events are outside speakers – not at Oxford High School where we had over 24 different student speakers. Our representative from the Girls Day School Trust who came in to work with our students was so impressed by their speeches which the students had to curate and learn by heart. Ranging from Year 5s and 6s who talked about their heroines to our Year 13s who have visited Houston and presented to the pre-eminent scientists in the Space world. Reflecting on the event afterwards I could have put absolutely everyone in our school up there – each one uniquely different but every one full of the opportunities that they had taken forward. I can’t wait to share with you the footage once it comes through after the holidays.

The theme continued this week when, in assembly, voices of those who are neurodiverse talked of their bravery not just to come onto stage, although that was extraordinary, but of being themselves every day. The fact that every student felt able to share their experience with the whole school demonstrates not just the confidence with which our pupils speak but also the warm, receptive and supportive environment which heard and received them. That sense of belonging, confidence and support is at the core of our school.

The Spring Term is always such a quick term; it provides the engine house of preparation for the new Academic year to start in September as well as reinforcing the routines and stamping in the habits and aptitudes that will bring success for our year 13s and year 11s in the summer.

To them, to you, to our staff and to our community please take the time over these next couple of weeks to rest, relax and rejuvenate to do it all over again.

Ad Lucem,

Mrs Gardiner Legge

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