
Perspectives with Jonny Potter and Sarah Stephenson-Hunter

12 May 2022

Our Year 13 students have been treated to some more thought-provoking and insightful Perspectives sessions this half term, most recently with Jonny Potter, who is a Financial Consultant, and Sarah Stephenson-Hunter, who is the Staff Disability Advisor and Trans Lead at University of Oxford. 

From Emily, following the session with Jonny Potter –

On the 28th April, Jonny Potter gave us an insightful and comprehensive talk on personal finance and investing. As Year 13s, student finance and learning to budget for university is right around the corner, so we found this especially current and helpful. We learnt about life on Wall Street, when and how to invest, opening accounts, and career paths in finance. Thank you so much Mr Potter!”

From Leila, following the session with Sarah Stephenson-Hunter –

“Sarah was a brilliant speaker, talking to us warmly and openly about her experiences as a blind trans woman and how these different aspects of her identity have shaped who she is today. I was particularly interested in her role as Oxford University’s staff disability advisor, which, as she explained, is vital considering the fact that in many institutions, support for disabled staff is often poor compared with that available to students.”

Tags: Perspectives

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