
Kids’ Lit Quiz 2019: The National Finals

10 December 2019

Having stormed to victory in the local Oxon/Berks heat, our Kids’ Lit Quiz A Team, consisting of Tessa, Alex, Maria and Marina, travelled to London on Wednesday 4th December to compete in the National Finals of this prestigious book-lovers’ competition.

With the prospect of a trip to New Zealand to compete in the World Finals, the girls fought incredibly hard and showed themselves to have the knowledge to go all the way. They found themselves in second place at half-time, but a few technical issues saw them placing third as the competition ended, with a score that placed them just three questions shy of the top spot!

To finish this close to the winners shows what a tremendously closely fought contest this was, and is a testament to the potential and deep knowledge these girls possess (no doubt in part to their habit of reading at prettifying much every available opportunity – see pic below of three members of the team reading over their lunch!). Along the way, the girls have scooped books, vouchers and even money prizes, rubbed shoulders with numerous authors, enjoyed a literary roller coaster ride and done tremendous credit to OHS with their astonishing literary knowledge.  

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