
Year 13’s King Thrushbeard

9 November 2023

Written by Ms Bramall, Head of Drama

Students taking A level Drama must write and perform an original piece of work that is influenced by a theatre practitioner. This year, our Year 13 students have followed in the footsteps of Kneehigh Theatre.

With its strong emphasis on physical theatre, combining comedy and burlesque with dance and music, Kneehigh often use masks and puppetry. The name ‘Kneehigh’ refers to the supposed height of a child – “knee-high to a grasshopper” – yet the theatrical style is designed to appeal to both adults and children, without talking down to either.

Students have taken the old folktale of ‘King Thrushbeard’ and adapted the story to inhabit the qualities of Kneehigh. One song was written entirely for this piece by Catherine C in Year 11. As the A level specification requires a minimum of 3 performers, we kindly borrowed the superb talents of Polly L in Year 8, who was fantastic!

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