
The Medical Myriad Magazine

27 February 2023

Written by Jessica, Ahyoung, Anjali and Francesca

The Medical Myriad is a biannual magazine that explores the field of medicine through interviews with medical students and professionals, scientific articles, medical news updates as well as work experience advice. 

We contacted medical professionals and students to find out more about the medical application process, their daily lives and the different career pathways, in order to provide an insight into the lives of the healthcare industry. 

We were able to talk to a variety of different people from medical scientists to surgeons, which gave us the opportunity to have useful and illuminating discussions with them. Throughout the discussion, we learnt the opportunities and challenges that these people encountered in their professional lives. For example, the “short-termism” of research grants in the medical scientist’s article. 

We thought this information would be particularly useful for aspiring medics and other allied healthcare professionals, in order to inform students who are currently making GCSE and A Level choices about different career paths, and discover what career they are better suited for. It also gives students a chance to learn more about what is happening in the world and specific illnesses, for example, the medical news articles. Various student-written articles give students a chance to talk about topics that interest them, whilst also educating others about very interesting real-world technology and issues. We have included a work experience advice article, as it is especially hard to obtain work experience in places like labs and hospitals, but necessary to be able to undertake a medical degree.

Not only have we given students an insight into future careers, but we have also given them an awareness of what university study will be like. Two medical students (Claire and Niran) talk about their current lives in university and how they balance their workload, on top of  providing insight into the application process for university. If you want to learn more about how to prepare for medical entrance exams, revising for A Levels or even how to choose what universities to apply to, our magazine will provide you guidance. 

Overall, even if you aren’t interested in medicine or any related subjects as a career path, it is still a great read and provides fascinating details. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. We are really grateful to everyone who provided articles, and to Dr Regardsoe for helping us proofread and have it printed. 

You can read the latest issue here.

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