
Success in National Youth Theatre Auditions

8 July 2021

We are so pleased to share with you the news that Stella (Year 12) has successfully auditioned to join the prestigious National Youth Theatre.

One of the country’s leading youth arts charities, the National Youth Theatre helps young people develop their creative arts skills based around the theatre.

After two rounds of auditions earlier in the year – which involved filming a self-taped monologue and performing a monologue and song at a live recall session on Zoom – Stella has now been invited to participate in an online summer intake course which will conclude with an informal showing of the work she has done.

After the summer course, and as an official member of the National Youth Theatre, Stella will be able to attend their workshops and audition for their many excellent productions.

What a superb achievement, Stella – well done! We can’t wait to see you up on the stage.

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