
La Chasse aux Oeufs

26 March 2021

This week, our fantastic French Department organised ‘La chasse aux oeufs’ (Easter egg hunt) for our Year 7 girls. As well as providing a little end-of-term Easter-themed fun, the activity helped enrich our students’ vocabulary, with each egg containing a new word and task to complete in French.

As you can imagine, the Year 7 bubble had a huge amount of fun, learnt lots of new words and consumed plenty of chocolate. In the words of Ava-Mae (7O):

On the last day of term, the pupils of Year 7 had an egg hunt. It was brilliant fun & enjoyed by all. Eggs were hidden throughout the Year 7 zone and we had to find them. Some were easier than others to find! They were paper eggs, with a task on the back which was related to both easter and French language. We would have to complete this task and then show the teachers and exchange it for a chocolate egg! (there was a LOT of chocolate involved.) Many thanks to Miss Solovyova for organising it!



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