
House Cup Winners

12 July 2023

This year we saw a reinvigoration of our House System, with students embracing their House pride through a series of events across Senior School, culminating in Sports Day and House Drama at the end of the summer term.

Read on to see what the House Prefects have to say about the past terms activities, before we reveal the winners of the House Cup for summer term 2023/2024…


We had a lot of fun this term. Although we came third in ‘House Just Dance’, we all knew that we deserved better. Then came our victory on Sports Day which strangely surprised everyone, but not us, because Zeus is obviously the best house. We also had some inter-house sports events and the most awaited event of all, House Drama. All of us from Zeus have really enjoyed this term, and we hope next term will be as fruitful and wonderful as this term.


We’ve had a great summer term. Year 7 and 10 won Sports Day for their year groups, with Harriet M and Linzi C both winning Victrix Ludorum! Everyone’s enthusiasm was great overall on Sports Day, and we came 2nd! We also came second in the Big Walk and Wheel, with great participation from everyone, and we gave an enthusiastic performance at House Just Dance. Our teachers have also been great this term, with energetic performances in House Just Dance and House Drama! Go Athena!


Jess: We want to say well done to Ares for coming together for House events this term. It has been amazing, from ‘House Just Dance’ last half term to ‘House Drama’ today, the enthusiasm of everyone taking part has been a highlight for us.

Emily: We are so proud of everyone for Sports day and despite the result we know we would have won for having the most enthusiasm. We know everyone gave it their all in the events they took part in, and for us that makes us winners.

Jess: We can’t wait for all the House events coming next year. Go Ares!


This term Poseidon has done amazingly! We’ve had many House events that Poseidon has competed in with enthusiasm. Some of these House events include The Big Walk and Wheel and House Drama and it was great to see such house spirit from everyone.

On Sports day we won Year 9 and Year 12, and had great enthusiasm from everyone, we were definitely best dressed! Our YMCA dance team battled to win first place in the ‘House Just Dance’ competition! Well done Poseidon, have a great summer and let’s continue this winning streak next year. Go Poseidon!

After a term of achievements across the Senior School, we are pleased to announce that the winner of the House Cup is: Zeus

Congratulations Zeus!


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