
Head’s Blog

19 January 2024

“If I had my way, I would remove January from the calendar altogether and have an extra July instead.”Roald Dahl

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back. I have to say that I know just how Roald Dahl feels, the sub-zero temperatures and the dark mornings make it quite difficult to get out of bed in the mornings. However I keep focussing on the fact that Spring is around the corner, and the evenings are getting lighter (slowly but surely).  

It’s been a cracking start here at school. Year 9 parents’ meeting was filled with positivity, and it was lovely to see so many families personally. Our scholarships, leadership elections and clubs are well underway and it’s great to hear and see all the extra opportunities that our students are grabbing with both hands, many of which are outlined in this newsletter.

We have some really exciting school events planned this term too, do please come if you can.  The Extended Research Presentation Evening next week, which is a first for us, highlights the way we continue to encourage every student’s curiosity. Dr. Kevin Stannard will be joining us on Wednesday 7th February to share the results of the Girls’ Futures Report commissioned by the GDST. Do come along and bring a guest if you wish. The talks will take place between 4.15 – 5.00 pm and 6.30 – 7.15 pm. You can sign up here if you wish to attend. 

I’d like to express a heartfelt thank you to Serena and her wonderful team of Year 13 prefects, as well as the House Prefects, who have led the school so ably. Their dedication, commitment, positivity and optimism have added to the ethos and culture of the school. Every team leads in a slightly different way, and I am looking forward to hearing their priorities.  

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Mrs Gardiner Legge

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