
Debate at OHS

26 January 2023

Debate Society has been incredibly active across all year groups this term, attending, hosting and winning events at OHS and beyond. Debate gives students the opportunity to discuss issues that matter to them, whilst honing their public speaking skills and taking part in external competitions. 

International Competition for Young Debaters

On Saturday 21st of January 2023, four teams of two students went to Oxford Union to take part in the Regional Round of the International Competition for Young Debaters (ICYD). 

“We took part in three rounds (or four, depending on whether or not we got through to the final). The first debate’s topic was ‘This House Would Introduce a 50% Quota for Women in Parliament.’ We were given five days to prepare, such as finding information and developing arguments, although we did not know what position we would be in: either opening government, closing government, opening opposition or closing opposition. 

For the second two rounds we were given 15 minutes to prepare for each debate. This included, thinking of arguments and finding the room we were debating in! The topic of the second round was ‘This house believes that tiger parenting does more harm than good’ and the third round was ‘This house would ban zoos.’ After each debate, we were given feedback on what went well and what we could improve on, which we then took into account in the next couple of debates. One team- Zunaira and Dora – even went through to the final and won! Every team also came first in at least one round.

Overall, the whole day was very enjoyable, and we all learnt a lot from each of the debates. We are looking forward to going back next year and repeating this success!”
Emilia, Year 8

GDST Chrystall Carter Competition

On Wednesday 1st February 2023, Sidra in Year 11 took first place in the semi-finals of the prestigious GDST Chrystall Carter Competition. Speaking on the topic, ‘What Matters to Society is the Here and Now, Not the Future,’ Sidra saw off competition from four other GDST schools, and the judges described her outstandingly engaged and passionate speech – delivered entirely from memory – as a ‘tour de force.’ 

We wish Sidra every success in the final, which will take place at Sheffield High School in March 2023. 


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