
Black History Month at OHS

1 November 2022

As part of the school’s celebration of Black History Month this October, the History Department focused on the role played by the British Empire and its people during the Second World War.  It is often said that in the summer of 1940 Britain ‘stood alone’ against Nazi Germany. Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland and France had all fallen before a seemingly unstoppable German army. All that was left was the plucky little island of Britain. Except that’s not really true. In 1940 the British Empire controlled a quarter of the world’s population and a fifth of its land mass, all of which was also at war with Germany. Thousands of aircraft, millions of men, and billions of pounds poured in from across the sea to keep Britain in the fight. It is a myth that Britain stood alone during the Second World War. As an island nation Britain relied on its empire for its labour and resources, and this has not always been properly acknowledged.

Following an assembly on the topic, students have been encouraged to find out about the contributions made by people from across the Empire to Britain’s war effort.  Figures like Adelaide Hall, Ulric Cross and Learie Constantine appear on a series of posters around school that allow students to scan a QR code in order to find out more.  This theme will be picked up later in the year by students in Year 9 who will look at this period as part of their course.

Click the images below to read more about the figures students have been learning about…

Billy Strachan

Allan Wilmot

Learie Constantine

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