
Meet the Prefects

29 February 2024

We are thrilled to introduce the newest cohort of Year 12 Prefects who embody leadership and dedication at OHS. Our Prefect Team play a leading role in representing the views of their peers and promoting positive behaviour. Over the next year, they will work closely with the Head and Director of Sixth Form to create a positive impact on school life. 

Inès H

I am Inès, the co-deputy Head Girl and Prefect for Year 7 and sport. During my time, I aim to embody the student voice and foster relationships between year groups to maximise cooperation and strengthen the OHS spirit. As a Sport Prefect, I seek to enhance the OHS sport ethos and widen the horizons of sporting opportunities for all. As for my Year 7 role, I endeavour to help make the transition for new students, into the senior school, as smooth as possible and create a cohesive and confident environment.

Polly C

My name is Polly and I am one of the Social Action and Wellbeing Prefects as well as the Year 8 Prefect. I’d love to create a fun, creative environment for younger students! I’m excited to get involved, hearing and talking about issues to do with social action and wellbeing within school that they feel strongly about. As a social action prefect, I am excited to get started on upcoming projects such as increasing the scope of volunteering for younger years in our local community and increasing the number of charity events for each year group. As the Wellbeing Prefect, I am excited to get to work on our summer wellbeing week and I am happy with the outcome of the recent wellbeing week. I am so excited for what is to come in the next year!

Emma S

I am Emma and this year I am excited to say I am a Year 7 and Sports Prefect. I am looking forward to promoting participation in physical and extracurricular activities throughout year groups, ensuring everyone feels welcome to trying new things and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. I am to enhance sporting experience by being approachable and ready to hear any ideas of new clubs or sports that people would feel passionate about starting. Through active involvement in activities and school events, we are really excited to start building the relationship between years and promote the idea of more student-led opportunities for younger students.

Keira K

I am Keira, deputy head girl with Ines. This year, as Year 7 and Admissions Prefect, I am excited to focus on creating a welcoming environment for everyone, ensuring that new and current students feel excited about joining and being part of our community. I aim to be someone approachable for younger students, offering help when needed and listening to any ideas brought to my attention. Additionally, as a team, we are really keen on giving younger students more leadership opportunities and the chance to observe senior roles close-up – something that we will be implementing this year.

Angela L

Hi, I’m Angela and I am an Art, Admissions and Year 11 Prefect. My main goal is to focus on community building and fostering an uplifting atmosphere for all students as well as staff. I have started doing just that with initiatives such as the Faculty Artist of the Month competition; a contest run by us Art Prefects to create some enjoyable competitiveness. Through organising school tours and open days, I aim to try my best to show prospective students and parents what an authentically empowering place OHS is.

Amalie H

As GDST Student Council representative, I aim to strengthen the links between Oxford High and other GDST schools, as I think this could be really valuable for educational reasons and it would allow OHS pupils to create friendships with other students across the UK. I want to set up more opportunities for collaboration on projects with a variety of focuses, which will be organised with the help of other prefects such as the Academic and Drama Prefects. I am also the prefect for Year 10 and the Sixth Form, alongside being an Eco Prefect. This year the eco team want to focus on reducing food waste and conserving energy by switching to more sustainable energy sources within our school buildings, to help lower our carbon footprint.

Emma L

As Drama, Year 10 and Admissions Prefect, I am hoping to connect with people of all different ages hoping to join the school, and provide them with the most informative and truthful experience of what our school environment is like, including even more opportunities for prospective students to have conversations with current pupils. I am also looking forward to hosting more Drama events, including hopefully having more recreational clubs at school, and connecting to surrounding schools through different events. As Year 10 Prefect, I am excited to provide support for students as they begin this journey towards their GCSEs, helping with their work-life balance by providing fun extracurricular activities.

Aarya C

Hello! I’m Aarya and I am your new Head of School Council, Social Action Prefect and Academic Prefect. I am honoured to represent our school on so many fronts, and I’ve got some big plans for the year ahead! In addition to advocating for and upholding student values, I will prioritise academic enrichment and encourage students to challenge themselves, having already founded OHS’ Law Society and Model United Nations. I am also taking the lead on volunteering and social responsibility, ensuring that all of us are giving back to our community. I’m excited to see what’s in store for OHS!

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