
OWLS trip to the British Museum

7 October 2022

OWLS (Oxford and Wimbledon academic scholars and exhibition holders) had their first face to face event in 3 years at the British Museum.

It was a day for our students to mingle as they got to know each other, and the academic focus of the day was on examining objects at the museum and the stories they tell. OWLS worked in groups and chose to examine several objects from across the museum, to consider the way they tell (or don’t tell!) part of our story. The brief was to choose objects from the same collection or time period, or perhaps ones that are seemingly disparate or unconnected, from different collections but giving an insight into a particular idea or discovery from an interesting angle.

Next steps are for students to work together to produce a collaborative piece using these objects and examining them in relation to the shared subject interest of the group. Their finished pieces will be published in OWLS Quarterly.

Please see link to our website for the OWLS Quarterly magazines.

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