
Year 8 French Spelling Bee

2 December 2022

On Friday 4th December 2022, our Year 8 students studying French took part in a spelling bee competition. With one minute to spell a maximum number of words (including accents, dashes, and spaces), the students did fantastically.  

We are excited to confirm that nine students reached the final. With an excellent score of 17 words spelt correctly, Harper won the competition. Hannah was a close second with 16 words and Esme was third with 14 words. They all won lovely prizes and received a certificate.

Harper provided this insight after her win:

“I was very nervous going into the spelling bee. I am new this year, and I had never done a spelling bee before, let alone one in French. But I really wanted to try my best. My parents and I practised every night (I practised mostly with my mother, because my father’s French is not as good). I was elated to get to the final. I was really proud, but I still had one more goal to reach. So I practised non-stop until I was confident in my abilities, and then I spelt like my life depended on it! The spelling bee was a very fun and uplifting experience. I enjoyed it, and I definitely think others did too.”

– Harper

Well done to all the Year 8 students who took part, and especially the finalists for doing so well!

Finalists: Hannah (8S), Amelie (8G), Eleonora (8O), Harper  (8G), Angela (8H), Lisa (8O), Esme (8H), Thalia (8H) and Anna (8H).

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