
Year 13 Commendations

9 May 2024

On Monday 29th April, Oxford High School recognised the outstanding achievements of year 13 students across a spectrum of activities. From sports prowess to creative endeavours, we celebrated students for their dedication and commitment. 

Named Cups and Awards

Green Award for Creative Writing

Named after Jean Green, a former and long-serving Head of English at OHS. The recipient of this award is being recognised for outstanding contributions to creative writing. She has proved herself to be a versatile writer, able to turn her hand to different types of work on the school magazine and has collaborated effectively on articles. Her originality in her writing, and commitment to and success in creative writing competitions across her school career in school and nationally are impressive. We are sure that we will see her name and work in print in the coming years.This is awarded to:

Esther K


The Earley Award

This award was donated by Sarah Earley, a very longstanding Head of Russian at OHS. To be awarded to an outstanding linguist studying 2 languages including Russian. This is awarded to:

Amelie L


The Lusk Award

To be awarded to a Year 13 student, who has made a positive contribution to school life through her character and personality. Donated by Felicity Lusk, Headmistress of OHS 1997-2010. This year’s recipient has made significant contributions to the school in many areas. This is awarded to:

Tilly H


The Olivia Jefferies Award

This Award is donated in memory of Livi Jefferies, a student at OHS from 2004-2011, who tragically died in a car accident. It is awarded for service to younger students of the School.  This year’s recipient has been generous in her dedication to younger students in particular in Drama. This is awarded to:

Emma R


The Carlisle Award

This Award is donated by Judith Carlisle, Head of Oxford High School 2011-2017.  It is awarded to a Year 13 student, whose actions consistently embody the pioneering spirit of Oxford High School. This year’s recipient has made a positive impact on the school in her work to support charity and social action. This is awarded to:

Emma L


The Benson Memorial Award

As part of Oxford High School’s 140th Anniversary, this Award was established to commemorate Ada Benson, the first Headmistress of Oxford High School from 1875-1879, it is for service to the Student Body and is awarded to our GDST Student Council Representative. This is awarded to:

Maddie D


The Draser Award

For service to the School. Donated by Gertrude Draser, former Head of Modern Languages at OHS. It is awarded to our outgoing Chair of School Council. This is awarded to:

Emma R


The Friends of the Trust Award

This is a very long-standing Award and is given for service to the School. This is awarded to our Deputy Head Girls:

Rosalind A

Gaby P


The Soulsby Memorial Award (For Service to the School)

To commemorate Lucy Soulsby, the third Headmistress of Oxford High School from 1887-1897 and to acknowledge the service to the school given by our Head Girl. This is awarded to:

Serena K


Sports Achievements

In the realm of sports, colours were awarded to students demonstrating excellence in various sporting disciplines. 

Students receiving three colours: 

Maisie K – Netball, Hockey, Cricket 

Jess S – Hockey, Football, Athletics 

Students receiving two colours: 

Shaan B – Hockey, Netball

Anoushka K – Netball, Football 

Elizabeth Z – Netball, Dance 

Tehya B – Hockey, Football 

Heidi P – Hockey, Netball

The following students receive one colour: 

Flora M – Dance 

Grace B – Dance 

Sophia E – Dance 

Lina B – Dance

Nathalie E – Dance

Harriet P – Netball 

Toddy O – Netball 

Emily M – Rowing 

Ellie S – Cricket 

Alice J – Squash 

Erin J – Hockey 

Eleanor A – Football


Great Big Dance Off

Several students from OHS recently took part in the Great Big Dance Off, the only national dance competition aimed solely at schools. Congratulations to Lina B who took part in the group dance. 


Commendations for Service to Sport

These students have given generously of their time to all aspects of sport at OHS:

Shaan B

Harriet P

Amelia J

Eleanor A

Anouska K

Elizabeth Z

Ellie S

Erin J

Flora M

Tehya B

Alice J

Toddy O

Grace B

Sophia E

Emily M


Award for Service in Sport

Heidi P and Jess S


Commendations for service in leading sports clubs

The following students are highly commended for their service and dedication in leading a range of sports clubs in school:

Ellie S

Naomi C 

Alice J


Best All Rounder 

Maisie K received the Best All Rounder Award in Sport award and has been a key member of the school hockey, netball and cricket teams – excelling in all three sports. She is a committed sportsperson who works incredibly hard both individually and for her team.


Sports Leadership Award 

Ellie S, who received this award, has been an excellent Sports Leader organising many events with huge success and her rapport with younger students is fantastic. 



Commendations for Service:

Eva C

Tia B 

Maddie D 

Sophia D 

Rosalind A

Lara S

Amelia J

Imogen C

Yinni Z

Esther K

Sophia E

Mari J

Grace B

Alice M

Emma L

Tilly H

Gabriela P

Vicki S

Freya L



Award for Service to Drama  

This is awarded to: Emma R



We have enjoyed several fabulous concerts this year in amazing venues and it was wonderful to hear our students perform their solo pieces so beautifully at the Senior Concert in Dorchester Abbey. The following students are talented musicians who have given years of service to music. 

Commendations for Service to Music

Ahyoung K

Jessica K

Yinuo Z

Biz D

Grace B

Eva C

Amelia J

Charlotte J


Award for Service to Music

Iphigenie T

The Ross Music Award

Named after Holly Ross, a former OHS student, who was not only a fine musician, but also helped greatly within the Music Department. This is awarded to Alice M.


The Davies Cup

Named after Janet Davies, former teacher of Music at OHS, to be awarded for contributions to the Music Department. This is awarded to Gabi P.


The Nye Award for Contribution to School Music

Donated by the parents of Hannah and Louisa Nye, former students at OHS and loyal supporters of School Music. This is awarded to Haley W.


The Singing Cup

This is awarded to Grace M.


Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Please can you join me in thanking our DofE Ambassadors for all the work that they have done in support of the many students who have participated in the scheme. In addition to recognition from us here at OHS they also receive a D of E Young Leader Award.

Duke of Edinburgh Ambassadors, who are:

Naomi C

Annabel D

Vicky S


School Magazine

OHS school magazine is an important part of school life and is entirely student-led with support from staff. It is a huge undertaking and the following students are commended for their dedication and service: 

Eleanor A

Rosalind A

Eva C

Imogen C

Sophia D

Sophia E

Amelia L

Grace M

Vicky S

Iphigenie T


Rebecca W

Yinuo Z

Tilly M


Award for Service to Magazine

Esther K


Other areas of service

You can find Sixth Form students leading on many areas of school life, from peer mentors to bee-keeping. Here are some of the Year 13 students that teachers wanted to celebrate and thank for their service to clubs and other activities: 


The following students have been great ambassadors for Russian and have led Russian Club:


Amelie L

Amelia L



For their service to and promotion of Spanish:


Simran G

Grace M



Before we celebrate service to many areas of science in school, let’s celebrate the students in Year 13 who took part in the recent RSC Chemistry Olympiad. Students in Year 12 and Year 10 also took part and you will be receiving your certificates at the whole school presentation assembly later on this term. 


Naomi C



Evelyn L

Gabi P

Jasmine S

The following students have shown huge dedication and service to many different areas of science, from being excellent outreach mentors in working with younger students at St Nicholas Primary School to leading publications and clubs. 



Trisha T

Anjali R 

Ahyoung K



Commendation for Service to Science (Medical Myriad editors)

Jessica K

Ahyoung K

Anjali R 

Francesca U


Emma L Commendation for Service to Science (Tangent editor)


Bees and Beekeeping

Francesca U

Jessica K 



For service to Engineering Club: 

Emily M

Tehya B

Lara S



These students have shown great dedication in leading Textiles Club for Year 9 students, creating a quilt to celebrate our school’s birthday in autumn 2024:

Shaan B

Emily M

Emma R 

Eillie S 


Animation Club

Since Year 7 Rebecca W was a regular attendee of Animation Club run by Miss Brookes and when she left Rebecca took over the club and ran it.


For their dedication in leading Junior History Club and sharing their enthusiasm for all things historical:

Sophia E

Hester P


For their dedication in leading Junior Politics Club and sharing their enthusiasm for all things political, please join me in applauding:

Sophia B 

Mari J

Emma R 

Diversity and Inclusion

We celebrate the service of Year 13 students to the following aspects of diversity: 


Thank you to the following students who have led LGBTQ+ club: 

Vicky S

Esther K

Alice M

Rosalind A


Shaan B has been a terrific spokesperson for NASH – she has participated in Neurodiversity Celebration Week several times. As well as speaking to the whole school in assemblies, she has spoken at several year group assemblies about her lived experience of being neurodivergent. She has always been happy to answer her fellow students’ questions about neurodivergency and, in doing this, she has helped to normalize neurodivergency at OHS and encouraged others to come to speak to NASH about any concerns they may have. Shaan has been a terrific role model for younger students and she has been a great ambassador for NASH.

Interfaith Club

Eva C 


For their service in ensuring the OHS community is as sustainable as possible:

Eva C 

Naomi C 

Tilly H

Emma L 

Warnock Extended Research Project

The Warnock Extended Research is a key strand of our Sixth Form Programme at OHS. We are celebrating students’ success in the Warnock Extended Research project which gives Sixth Form students a chance to be ambitious, develop agile thinking and to go beyond in their independent research. This project took its name from Baroness Mary Warnock, former Headmistress at Oxford High School between 1966 and 1972, philosopher and dedicated public servant. 

Today, among their other amazing achievements, we want to celebrate the fantastic research projects the Year 13s completed across 2022-2023 and to award and commend those who achieved the highest results.

The top projects focusing on arts, humanities, social sciences or languages, are receiving the Eileen Power Award; named in honour of Eileen Power an OHS alumna, a historian and professor of Economic History at LSE.

The top STEM-based projects are receiving the Dame Josephine Barnes Award. Dame Josephine Barnes, another OHS alumna, was an obstetrician, gynaecologist and the first female president of the British Medical Association. 

These awards give us the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge these pioneering women and to celebrate our Year 13 students too. 

We have also decided to award a number of commendations this year, to recognise outstanding dissertations and originality of research. 

Eileen Power Award

Esther K

Flora M

Sophia E

Harriet P

Highly commended in this category (with excellent dissertations) are: 

Emily M

Eleanor A

Hester P

Mulan S

Rosalind A

Amelia J

Iphigenie T

Charlotte J

Josephine Barnes Award 

Haley W

Tilly H

Trisha T

Francesca U

Highly commended in this category (with excellent dissertations): 

Gabi P

Jessica K

Grace B

Christina L

Alex N

Jasmine S

Biz D

Katharina M

Maddie D

Michaela K

Chiling L

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