
Virtual Sports Day

28 June 2020

Welcome to Oxford High’s Virtual Sports Day 2020 –  the first-ever of its kind.


There’s no denying that we would dearly love to be out on the field in our colourful house t-shirts as a whole school community, but sadly we cannot be.

Instead, we’re offering all students the chance to take part in a Virtual Sports Day from home, in competition for those all-important house points.

  • There are 18 events included below, demonstrated by the PE department, for you to watch and then take part in.
  • When you have done the event you must submit your score on the Virtual Sports Day spreadsheet on your form group PE Google Classroom.

For every event, there will be a winner in each year group, the overall winner, and then also the Victrix Ludorum prize that will be awarded to the person who scores the most points individually in each year group. There are lots of prizes at stake for your house and yourself too!

There is no doubt that this Virtual Sports Day will go down in history, so get involved, set some records,  and win lots of house points and some illustrious prizes!

For Years 7-9, all your scores must be submitted by 5 pm on Tuesday 30th June.
Years 10 and 12, yours must be submitted by 5 pm on Wednesday 1stJuly.

If you have any questions please email your PE teachers or submit them on your PE Google Classroom.

Enjoy and good luck!

The PE Department

Please click on the links below which will take you to the events videos on our YouTube page to show you what you need to do to compete.

Event 1 – Standing Broad Jump – click here and watch Mrs Berry demonstrate how far she can jump and explain the event for you.

Event 2- Sprint Speed- click here and watch Mr Gasper, and his little helper, demonstrate how quick he is and explain the event for you.

Event 3- Vertical Jump- click here and watch Miss Ferrelly demonstrate how high she can jump and explain the event for you.

Event 4- Speed Endurance- click here and watch Miss Ferrelly demonstrate her speed endurance and explain the event for you

Event 5- Sock Put- click here and watch Mr Gilbert demonstrate the twist on shot put and explain the event for you.

Event 6- Speed Bounce- click here and watch Miss Thompson demonstrate and explain the event for you.

Event 7- 20 Minute Participation Run- click here and hear from Mrs Berry explaining the event for you.

Event 8- Well Wang- click here and watch Mrs Berry showing just how far she can wang her welly and explain the event for you.

Event 9- Sit Up Challenge- click here and watch Miss McGonigle demonstrate how many sits up she can do in the time and explain the event for you. Try to beat her score!

Event 10- Press Up Challenge- click here and watch Mr Gasper demonstrate how many press ups he, and his little helper, and can in the time and explain the event for you. Try to beat his score!

Event 11- Target Throw- click here and watch Mr Gilbert attempt to hit the target and explain the event for you.

Event 12 – Blindfold Balance- click here and watch Miss Ferrelly demonstrate just how hard balancing blindfolded is and explaining the event for you.

Event 13- Burpee Challenge- click here and watch Miss McGonigle demonstrate how many burpees she can do in the time and explain the event for you. Try to beat her score!

Event 14- Plank Challenge- click here and watch Miss McGonigle demonstrate how long she can hold the plank for and explain the event for you. Try to beat her score!

Event 15- Alternate Hand Wall Toss Test- click here and watch Miss Thompson demonstrate her hand-eye-coordination and explain the event for you. Try to beat her score!

Event 16- Shoe Balance Challenge- click here and watch Mr Gasper, and his little helper, demonstrate this tricky challenge and show you it can be done! He explains all here – see if you can do it too!

Event 17- Keepy Uppy Challenge- click here and watch Mr Gilbert show off his skills demonstrating the keepy uppy challenge and explaining the event for you.

Event 18- Ball Clap- click here and watch Miss Thompson demonstrate and explain the event. Try to beat her score!

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