
Veganuary Debate

31 January 2022

‘This house believes that we should all follow a plant-based diet.’

This motion formed the basis of a fast-paced and entertaining debate which took place on Friday 28th January. With students and staff in attendance, the two sides went head-to-head in an epic exchange of arguments and ideas.

Comprised of a Sixth Former (or two!) and a member of staff, each team presented numerous thought-provoking arguments and rebuttals, which encompassed the environmental, economic and societal impacts of meat production and consumption. Points were also raised around the implications for health and the feasibility of following a plant-based diet for many people around the world.

Evident throughout the debate was the amount of research and preparation both sides had conducted; indeed, the arguments put forward were carefully considered, well-articulated and supported by real-life examples and statistics.

Following the arguments, rebuttals and summaries, the vote was put to the floor and the proposition team were declared victorious (though it was nail-bitingly close!).

Our congratulations and thanks go to all of our fantastic debaters: Naomi, Kitty and Ms Girling representing the proposition; Lucy and Mr Nicholl representing the opposition. Thanks also go to Eleanor for chairing and to our wonderful Green Prefects, Leila and Lili, for organising the event.

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