
The TEDx Experience

27 June 2024

Written by Alicia & Aneesa, Year 8

We never thought we would have a chance to be part of the famous TEDx talks while still at school but this is exactly the opportunity we were given. We had seen TEDx videos online from important professionals, passionately discussing their topic – so when we were asked to prepare a talk, it was both exciting and intimidating at the same time. Luckily the topic was cyber-security – a subject we had been deeply immersed in as part of the CyberFirst National competition. The question was whether we could take this expansive topic and turn it into a short talk that would engage our audience.

We wrote a script, and then rewrote the script and then rewrote it again. We tried to make sure that we introduced the concepts in a way that everyone would be able to understand. We also put in some examples of cybersecurity puzzles to get the audience more involved. After that it was practising in front of family and friends to make sure we were speaking at the right speed and to gain confidence.

The day of the TEDx talk arrived, with the distinctive black stage and large red logo. We weren’t the first to talk so we waited backstage, listening to all the inspiring talks before us. In no time at all, it was our turn. Taking a deep breath, we stepped out onto the stage, with the audience going completely quiet. We were probably a bit nervous but this was all forgotten as we started talking. We had included a joke or two and it was amazing to hear the audience laughing!

Overall, the TEDx talk was a fantastic learning experience. Our public speaking skills improved and we were inspired greatly by all the other students and professionals who also gave speeches. We realised just how thrilling it is to share our passion with an audience and persuade them of its importance and this actually makes you think more deeply about your own ideas and how to convey your enthusiasm with others. Now, since the TEDx video is now online, perhaps people around the world will be inspired by our talk! Participating in this incredible event not only enriched our cybersecurity knowledge, but gave us the motivation to spread more awareness about this crucial subject.


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