
Who you are and how you feel are the fundamentals upon which success and happiness are built. That’s why we have set aside space within each Sixth Former’s timetable for sessions that will enhance your life-skills and physical and mental well-being.

To optimise physical wellbeing, sport is a timetabled activity in the Sixth Form. However, the type of sport which you undertake can come in whatever form you like, from team sports to visiting Marston Ferry Gym for a session on the cross-trainer. We really don’t mind what you choose, so long as it leaves you feeling healthier and happier!

Our wellness tutorials are similarly calibrated to equip girls for the challenges of modern life, through a combination of engaging guest speakers, bespoke activities and discussion groups.

Finally, we provide a range of sessions on financial management, careers and study skills that have been tailored to provide each student with a framework of key skills to help you when you commence university life. All of these tutorials are also available within the OHS SPOC.




Considering OHS?

Please review the key admission dates and deadlines, to ensure you don’t miss out on applying for a place. If you have further questions, contact our friendly Admissions team who are happy to help.

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