
Sixth Form French Study Day with Alliance Française

27 January 2023

On Friday 27th January, the French Department organised a ‘French Study Day’ at the Alliance Française of Oxford for Year 12 and Year 13 students. The day began with a traditional petit-déjeuner (breakfast) and we were welcomed with warm croissants. The students had a French music workshop, followed by an afternoon activity dedicated to French theatre and speaking skills. To maintain the French flavour of the day, tables were booked for lunch at the Old Bookbinders restaurant, where the waiting staff are French. It was a fantastic way of learning about French culture and to practise the language in real-life situations.

“This was a very enjoyable trip. We studied workshops in both music and cinema, which gave us extra-curricular insights into French culture. Everybody got involved in the games, which were both fun and educational.” Lina

“It was very enjoyable! The activities were fun and encouraged a lot of conversation (in French of course). The teachers were also very nice and enthusiastic.” Nathalie

“I found the day really engaging. I learnt more about French music and some of the culture’s renowned singers, as well as how to write and perform poetry.” Maddie

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