
Kaleidoscope Day

14 June 2024

On Wednesday 12th June, students at Oxford High School were off timetable to enjoy learning outside of the classroom, this included a trip to Hampton Court to experience what Tudor life was like, a visit to Rushall Farm to get hands-on with the practicalities of food production, wellness and social action activities, and more!

Hampton Court

Year 7 headed off to Hampton Court Palace to learn more about Tudor life in preparation for studying the topic in year 8. While at Hampton Court, they had the opportunity to explore the beautiful buildings and gardens, including Henry’s Great Hall.

Rushall Farm

Year 8 had the opportunity to visit Rushall Organic Farm to learn about managing resources for a growing world. They were able to see organic farming in action and build on their knowledge gained from Geography lessons.

Wellness & Social Action Day

Our year 9s took part in a Wellness and Social Action day, organised by the Head of PSHCE, Wellbeing and Social Action Mrs Sheppard. They enjoyed a series of activities designed to promote wellness, including creative writing, swimming, kick boxing, and a drumming workshop! In the afternoon, year 9 students had the opportunity to get involved in various community projects running in and around school, from litter picking and surveying biodiversity in the local area to seeing how the funds they raise are put to use in a visit to Helen & Douglas House.

Higher Education Day

Finally, Year 12 enjoyed a ‘Pathways into Higher Education’ day, which featured a number of sessions designed to inform and support the students as they consider life after OHS. They were visited by representatives from various universities across the country and a question and answer session with Class of 2023 alumnae.

It was a fantastic day for all! Huge thanks to all of our students and staff who were involved.


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