
House Highlights & Cup Winners

15 December 2023

This term, students have embraced their house pride through a series of events and activities across the Senior School, culminating in House Dance this week. Read on to see what the House Prefects have to say about the past term of events, before we reveal the winners of the House Cup for Autumn 2023. 


As Zeus House Prefects, we are so grateful for another amazing term, Although this is our last full term of being House Prefects, the past year has been so rewarding and we’ll be sad to give our roles up. A series of exciting events occurred this term and we want to thank everyone who participated.

Our favourite event was House Choir. Although our harmonising didn’t exactly go to plan and we didn’t get the result we wanted, we loved the teamwork we saw between year groups in the rehearsals and water gun improvisation from our Year 8s. We also saw many chess players use their creative skills which led us to second place in House Chess – a great result for such a last-minute team assemble.

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve enjoyed choreographing House Dance and even though we don’t know where we’ve placed yet, we’re feeling positive about the result. We would also like to say a big thank you to everyone for taking part in House Sports competitions and I am sure we will be able to strive for first place in all sports next term, as we know we are a house filled with great athletes. All of these events and moments have encouraged team and house spirit. We have had a lot of fun this term, and we hope you did too. We hope you all have a great Christmas!


We want to say well done to all of Ares for coming together for house events this term. It has been amazing, from House Music last half term to House Dance yesterday, the enthusiasm of everyone taking part has been a highlight for us.

We are so proud of everyone else in the house for their efforts in inter-house events. We know everyone gave it their all in all the events they took part in and for us that makes you winners.

Good luck moving into the new year for new events and new challenges! GO Ares!


We’ve had a great Autumn term – one of our best yet! This term has been really exciting and successful – with the help of Evie and Misha we won House Canvas with our incredible Autumn scene, thank you to everyone who came along to colour it in. 

We kept our winning streak going in House Music, with our amazing performance of We Will Rock You! Everyone’s commitment and enthusiasm were appreciated, and we put on a great performance – a shout-out to the Year 7s who have been committed to house events this term!

House Dance has been great fun to choreograph and practise, we appreciate everyone giving up lunches to practise and your efforts have hopefully paid off!

Overall, everyone’s participation has been amazing and we’re so grateful. Well done Athena!


This term Poseidon has done amazingly! We’ve had many house events that Poseidon has competed in with enthusiasm. We won first place in House Tug of War – proving yet again that we are the strongest house. We also won House Chess showing we have the brains to match. We lost the House Canvas but everyone had so much fun participating!

The year 7s and 8s won in the party games contest. We had so much fun doing House Music and it was great to see such house spirit from everyone. Finally, we annihilated the competition in House Dance where everyone worked hard and it looked amazing. Well done Poseidon. Have a great Christmas! 

We are pleased to announce that the House Cup winners of Autumn Term 2023 are



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