Year 8 and 9 students kicked things off with lively party games, where laughter and quick thinking brought everyone together. The House Canvas challenge followed, sparking artistic flair as each House collaborated to create stunning artwork.
Our talents shone even brighter during House Music, with students from all year groups impressing us with incredible vocal and instrumental performances. Finally, House Chess brought a more strategic tone to the term, as players demonstrated focus and sportsmanship in every match.
But let’s hear from the House Prefects to give a summary on their term:
Written by Alex, Hannah & Olivia
Ares has had another good term this term. We have been really impressed by the enthusiasm that you have been bringing to house events recently, with people stepping up to play in house chess – which we won by a landslide!!! And more recently, we have been really happy with the commitment and energy that lots of you have brought to house dance. (maybe make a comment based on how it goes). We have really enjoyed this term and hopefully next term we can keep up the same level of enthusiasm
Written by Nayna, Scarlett & Frances
We are so proud of Athena’s efforts this term! We came first in House Canvas, and year 8 have done amazing in their house sport events! We loved the enthusiasm from Athena members across all year groups for taking part in house events this term including House music, and we are so proud of everyone who took part in House dance! It was lots of fun! Go Athena!!
Written by Maya, Lowenna & Bea
We are so proud of everyone in Poseidon for all the house events and hard work this term! Including coming first in events such as year 10 and 11 House Netball and 2nd in the year 7-8 party games. Honourable mention goes to the big win in house music!!! And well done all for joint 3rd place in House Canvas. Well done everyone!!
We really loved being your house prefects, thank you for such a fab year! GO POSEIDON!!!
Written by Ben, Phoebe & Sophie
This term, Zeus has made outstanding efforts. We’ve gained lots of house points as well as a high number of house awards, so well done to everyone who was awarded those, and keep up the good work.
In terms of house events, we’ve done a good job, with lots of enthusiasm throughout, coming first place in the year 7 and 8 party games.
Finally, a big thank you to everyone who has taken part, especially to Chelsea in year 11 for helping out greatly with both house music and dance.
We can’t wait for next term for more exciting events! Go Zeus!