
Head’s Blog

23 March 2023

It’s finally Spring. The daffodils outside my window wave their heads at me (in the drizzle) and our favourite duck is back, nesting beneath my window. 

All is well in the world after a busy and packed term. I am so proud of our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils who have met the challenge of their mock exams with grace and equanimity and for the smooth transfer of leadership from the Year 13 to the Year 12 Prefect team. I’m sure there are many that could learn from that.

Only this Monday, I gave out tens of certificates to Year 13 pupils who had dedicated their time and effort across the board to the school and our local community. Sports leaders, colours for all kinds of sports contribution, to music to drama and to running clubs and charities in school, our pupils give to others in a myriad of ways, many of which you will read about in this newsletter.

Just last week over 150 students were involved in the Sheldonian Concert where we celebrated in a bittersweet way, the contributions of the Year 13 music scholars and musicians who all performed solos with the orchestra. Last Wednesday we had a full afternoon of Sport with our U18 footballers playing Magdalen College School (MCS), our Year 7s playing Cranford House, with netball teams from all other year groups playing Cokethorpe. OHS is the one place where we manage to encourage the enthusiasm of the beginner as well as support the dedication and commitment of the expert, and we do it day in and day out across sport, music, drama and in the classroom – of which I am very proud.

On Tuesday night we had the Sports’ Dinner for our sports scholars and later in the week the House netball for our younger students. Last weekend we had over 50 students on the Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Over the holidays many thanks are due to Dr Kewell and Ms Barbour who will be accompanying our Conrad Challenge team (the only finalists in Europe!) to Houston, Texas for the final, as well as our exchange students who travel to Germany today and many others who go to Spain on Friday. Thank you so much to our staff and our pupils who make these opportunities happen and to you, every one of you, who work with us to ensure that every student makes the most of the opportunities the school presents. I wish you a restful holiday and for those who are revising for exams, please make sure you get the chance to see the Daffodils and appreciate the sunshine too.

Ad Lucem,

Marina Gardiner Legge

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