
Head’s Blog

11 July 2024

Finally, after what seems like interminable rain, the sun is creeping into our classrooms.  Summer is tapping on the window and the days ahead stretch out with, I hope, suitable rest, relaxation and inspiration for our whole community. The last two weeks of term, as this newsletter testifies, have been extraordinarily busy. 

Whether it’s dancing on the boards for ‘Mary Poppins’, sprinting across the track on Sports Day, working as teams for House Drama, enjoying the contrary and varying views at the General Election hustings or raising money for charity in the summer fair (or even all of them) our students have grasped every possible opportunity to learn, collaborate and inspire each other and their community.

It’s also a time of saying farewell to our Year 13 students and others whose journey at Oxford High School, for whatever reason, has come to an end. Thank you to each of them for all that they have contributed to our school and the ways in which they have changed our school and made it better. Please don’t be strangers, return and inspire others as you have been. Maybe you could be the next GDST Alumna of the Year, just as Katy Barrow Grint (class of 1996) has been nominated. Please do read about all the candidates and vote here. 

And that’s true of our staff too. We bid farewell to those colleagues who have been such stalwarts on the journey. A particular mention to Dr Liu who has spent 14 years at Oxford High school and will continue to teach Mandarin at a school for the community in Reading. Her energy and vitality has been inspiring to staff and students alike.

I must also pay tribute here to two of our School Governing Board Governors who are stepping down this summer. To our Chair, Ms Katherine Haynes, a wholehearted thank you for all her support through extraordinary times such as the pandemic and to Professor Andrew Carr whose three daughters came to the school. His clearsighted and constructive advice have been invaluable.  Thank you both so much for your service to our school.

And so the cycle continues. To each of you who has participated, contributed, inspired, taught, and given of your time, advice and guidance to our pupils – thank you. I wish you all a recuperative holiday and time to rest, relax and dream of the future.

Until, of course, we return in September ready to do it all over again!

Ad Lucem,

Mrs Gardiner Legge

P.S It’s great to see Alumna Katy Barrow Grint nominated for GDST Alumna of the Year. Please do read about all the candidates and vote here. 

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