
Head’s Blog

3 October 2024

I can’t believe a month has already passed and we are absolutely back. Our new students have been thoroughly immersed in our clubs programme and we’ve already had our virtual pastoral evenings, where we make sure that we are aware of anything/everything that is important to you and your daughter. It’s lovely to have genuine autumnal weather back again, by which I mean bright sunshine and crisp days, and I can hear the students playing table tennis outside in the Marbles Court.

Our House activities are underway. The first one of the year is always designing a House Canvas to which every student in the House, whether year 7 or year 13, contributes.

The week started with an assembly, led by students, was on important writers of fiction from the black community. We also welcomed an author into school for year 7 and held a team building day in the hall where pupils had to build structures together – exuberance and enthusiasm both on show. And that was only one day.

Languages week was fabulous; it’s quite something to offer 8 language subjects, and whether it was making pasta, creating dumplings, building moon cakes or eating tostadas and dancing salsa, our students really did engage with the workshops on offer. Our activities weren’t just in school; our German students made their way to the beer cellar at Radley College on Friday.

Last week, our Economics conference, run by Sixth Formers took place, which was broadcast to over 85 schools and 2000 students across the country. Learning about Game Theory was fascinating and I came away with quite a few book recommendations for the holidays. That is part of the joy of Oxford High – one visits a classroom or talks to a member of community and there’s always a learning point or something new to read. It’s energising.

It has been a busy summer. You will be delighted to hear that we have replaced all our overhead lights now with eco-friendly LEDs and put ourselves forward for a GDST pilot project to install solar panels onto our buildings. These are already addressing over 30% of our electricity needs and, as a community that is passionate about sustainability, it’s terrific to know that we are forward-thinking on this. In addition, all credit to Maya, our Head Girl who has introduced a Freegle site to the school, where students are able to swap unwanted items between one another, thereby reducing wastage. Classrooms have been repainted, new computers installed, as well as new whiteboards and carpets, all of which contribute to creating the best environment for our community.

We held our Sixth Form Open evening last week. I so enjoyed walking around the different classrooms and hearing our staff talk with such passion, energy and drive about their subjects. Whether it was Latin, History, Religious Studies, Mathematics or English, that same energy came through. The enthusiasm and authenticity was in the discussion that our Sixth Formers had with one another in the hall. I am so very proud of all that they do – indeed all that they are – because the students here genuinely bring themselves to all they do. That is absolutely what makes our school special.

Speaking of authenticity, what an extraordinary woman Dame Maggie Smith was and how lucky were we to have been a part of her life. It is known that Dame Maggie was not a great fan of Oxford High School, but interestingly a colleague sent me a link to a video where she was in conversation for the National Film Festival where she credits her interest in drama itself being sparked by an English teacher at school and her teaching of Shakespeare. It’s rather exciting to think that in 80 years’ time, the students in our school today could be giving back as much entertainment and joy to the world as Dame Maggie did. I wish she had been able to visit – I know that she would have seen that same spark and passion that she brought to the theatre in our students and I would have loved her to know how much she is appreciated and valued today.

Ad Lucem,

Mrs Gardiner Legge

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