
Head Girl’s Blog

27 June 2024

Written by Maya R, Head Girl

What a jam-packed exciting summer term it’s been so far, with much more yet to come! On Thursday 20th June the year 10s were invited to a ‘Freshers’ Fair’ held by the Sixth Form students in the Ada Benson Building where they could browse and take in the wide range of opportunities offered in the Perspectives initiative in year 12. These activities vary from outreach in Oxford school communities to writing for the OHS Magazine, to even starting your own social-enterprise business! Whatever your interest, be it supporting local primary school students as a ‘book buddy’, being a journalist and reporting on the ever-flowing stream of school events and updates, or becoming an entrepreneur, year 12 Perspectives has the right place for you with 24 roles to choose from. This is a prime example of one of the things I love most about our school – students are encouraged to assume responsibilities and be independent, while taking care of the community simultaneously.

Year 7s and 8s also stepped out of their comfort zone this term on their respective year group residential trips just after half term. While year 8 were jetting off to Amsterdam, year 7 went to Kilve Court on the Somerset coast, which I personally remember from my time there 5 years ago as a chilly yet riveting experience! Students from year 7 Anais and Heather recounted their adventures on this trip, which they found to be a great bonding experience with their cohort, in a live interview with me at the latest Take A Look event.

Well done to everyone for getting through the exam season – particularly years 11 and 13 – and though it was bittersweet to part with the year 13s who are now off to university, apprenticeships and gap years, we were proud to see them graduate and leave as fully fledged inspiring women! Everyone is eagerly on their way to a well deserved summer break, but not before we enjoy the end of year festivities such as sports day, which everyone has been looking forward to!

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