

27 June 2024

Written by Maya R, Year 12

This year marked a significant milestone for Oxford High School as we ventured into the GDST Lead social enterprise competition for the first time, and our participation proved to be a remarkable achievement. The core objective of this competition was to conceive and potentially launch a business that not only could sustain itself financially but also contribute positively to our local community. With great enthusiasm and dedication, our team developed and implemented Food For Thought, an innovative initiative centred around a free cooking class led by a professional Palestinian chef.

During these engaging sessions, participants — from diverse backgrounds — gathered to learn the art of making falafels together. Beyond culinary skills, the sessions fostered an environment where strangers became acquaintances and discussed pertinent local issues affecting Oxford. Despite unexpected setbacks, not least being our modest cohort of only 7 clients, our team successfully brought our vision to fruition, culminating in the honour of receiving the ‘Most Social Impact’ award at the competition’s final ceremony. This recognition underscored the significant societal contributions that initiatives like ours can make – we even had a customer describe her time at our service as the first time in a long time that she felt amongst friends!

Reflecting on our journey, I wholeheartedly recommend this enriching opportunity to any aspiring entrepreneur eager to make a meaningful impact. Throughout the process, we learned invaluable lessons in compromise, effective communication, and the power of collaborative teamwork. Moreover, our venture instilled in us a profound sense of resilience and initiative—qualities essential for future leaders navigating the ever-evolving landscapes of business and community engagement.

As emerging LEADers within our own enterprise, we are motivated and empowered to continue leveraging our skills and passions to drive positive change, not only locally within Oxford but also beyond. Our experience has ignited a sense of purpose and commitment to pursuing endeavours that contribute to a more inclusive and prosperous society, both locally and beyond!

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