
Festive Social Action

15 December 2023

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without an abundance of charity! Read on to find out what our students have organised, with the help of Mrs Sheppard, our Social Action Lead, to help out local charities during the festive season…

Santa Run

The school field was filled with a sea of red and white as students in Year 9, 12 and 13 donned Santa hats, tutus and festive costumes to participate in a Santa Run, all in support of a local charity, Helen & Douglas House. Helen & Douglas House is a hospice providing essential care for children and young adults with life-shortening conditions.

“Despite the rainy weather, it was amazing to see so many people get into the festive spirit and take part with such enthusiasm! In total we managed to raise over £1200. We would like to thank everyone for their efforts and we know that the funds raised are going towards such an amazing cause.” Social Action Prefects

Christmas Bazaar

Students embraced the festive spirit with a heartwarming Christmas Bazaar dedicated to supporting their social action charities. The main hall came alive with various stalls featuring handmade crafts, delightful treats and gifts perfect for Christmas. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as students engaged in lively fun-fair style games and activities, fostering a sense of community and festive spirit.

Overall, the Bazaar raised over £1,300 and served as a meaningful way for students to contribute to their chosen charities. Well done to our compassionate students for turning the festive season into an opportunity to positively impact the causes they care about.

Social Action at OHS

Our vision is to empower our whole school community to do something positive to make a difference on a local, national or global level. We are proud of the community partnerships we already have and we are looking to further the links in the local community, ensuring we get involved with local projects that would benefit from our support. Our mission is to help local initiatives and encourage more engagement from the whole school community. One of the key principles we want to focus on for this project is that it should be led by our community, actually helping those around us and aligning with the school’s values.

We are really pleased with the exciting work that has been taking place this term in relation to Social Action at OHS. We have seen students and staff collecting food, volunteering their time, wearing green to help more trees be planted and working hard to raise funds for a variety of local charities. It has been very rewarding and empowering for students and I hope you will agree there are many benefits both to our students but also our wider community. Mrs Sheppard, Head of PSHCE and Social Action Lead


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