
Day in the Life of a Year 8 Student

15 December 2023

Written by Megan W, Year 8

On a cosy December Friday, I was excited for the weekend to begin after a long week of tests. When I arrived, the Crush Hall was full of people, I met up with my friends and walked up the long stairs of the main building. Our year group is set on the top floor, where the humanities subjects take place. With my hand warmer in my hands, the day was filled with hope and excitement.

I usually have a good laugh with my friends and take out any necessary books and equipment for the first 2 periods, in this case, Geography. Now, we are finishing off our coastal geography topic and got our test results back. Third to fifth period was Science, we had a test and everyone was nervous. Luckily, the teacher was nice enough to give us a last-minute study session. After break, we returned to the Science lab and cracked on with our test. When we began, everyone’s heads looked down, focused on their test. For me, it was quite a breeze, these were the things that I covered when studying.

At lunch, we helped my friend get ready for her small performance with her circus group. The whole thing was hilarious! Everyone had a great time. Well done to our fellow classmates who performed so well! Time flies, it is already halfway through the day. I find myself going to my locker and having my French books in my hands. Then it was form time, the one period that nobody was looking forward to because we were getting our reports back! Everyone was happy about their results and even though mine wasn’t the very best, I am still proud.

Finally, Maths. The subject most people dislike. But I think the opposite, maths makes me feel like I accomplished something after solving an equation and finding methods to solve problems is what I love about the subject. When I got home, I took out everything I needed and started studying for an upcoming Religious Studies test. Then I had fencing practice, I had dinner afterwards. I used the rest of the time to spend some time with family and do things I love.

There you have it, a day in the life of a Year 8. Life at OHS is really fun and I made many fun memories with all the lovely people here.



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