
Colour Run

23 September 2022

On a gloriously sunny Friday afternoon the school week ended in a blast of colour – literally! The whole school was out on the playing field taking part in our colour run – running laps for their Houses.

Our local neighbours were treated to a fabulous site of our pupils being covered in paint whilst running laps around the playing field. Many girls were in costume and the House mascots were out bellowing encouragement. We have a gallery of photos for you to enjoy.

Before the running started, all our girls were treated to a warm-up in a mass aerobics session, high stepping choreography all directed by Mrs Solovyova and finished off with a whole school chorus of Happy Birthday for our Head, Mrs Gardiner Legge.

A huge thank you Miss Ferrelly for organising the super fun event, and for her firm reassurance that the paint is fully organic and will wash out! Thanks also must go to the volunteer staff, both those running and throwing paint, and lastly to the girls, for their laughter, energy and effort in gaining points for their Houses.

If only every Friday afternoon was as much fun!

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