Our Sixth Form Prefect Team spent the morning at Woodstock Road today to celebrate our 140th anniversary with our Reception, Year One and Year Two girls. Lots of games were played both indoors and out and our Head Girl, Freya was tested on her maths (just to check she could keep up with the early years classes!). Break time gave our Sixth Formers a chance to share some 140th birthday cake with the younger girls who all adored spending time with them.
Testing times for Head Girl Freya!
Break time!
140th birthday cake
140th birthday at Oxford High School
Games with the Sixth Form
140th birthday at Oxford High School
Our Head Girl and youngest Year 7 cutting the cake
6th Formers visiting Woodstock Rd
Testing the 6th Form on their numbers!
140th birthday games at Woodstock Road
140th birthday at Oxford High School
Playground fun with the Prefects