
Careers Talk – Olga Vysokova on Women in Finance

16 March 2022

Written by: Alice, 7H

Talk hosted by: Pippa, Alice and Emilia

Olga Vysokova is a social entrepreneur working in finance. After studying economics in university and finance in business school, she set up two social platforms bringing together female business leaders as well as working in international banking. On 9th March she came to Oxford High and gave an empowering talk to pupils from across the school.

It was a pleasure to host such an inspirational speaker especially because it took place during the week of International Women’s Day, and it emphasised how there should be equality in business across all genders. She gave an example of speaking up for your ideas in a room full of men and the importance of having confidence in yourself. One of the messages I took from this talk is the need to be prepared to pitch your ideas at any time, even in an elevator! This talk was a great opportunity for students to learn about future career options and the university courses that lead to them.

One student commented “I’m interested in going into finance so this talk really helped me understand the benefits and possibilities.”

If you have an interest in a certain career, you can contact Dr Strobel for information on upcoming talks.

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