
Reflections on the OHS Medical Conference

29 June 2022

Written by Leen, Year 12

The Medical Conference, led by Sixth Form OHS Medical Society students via Zoom, was a day focused on broadening knowledge surrounding medical professions through a series of panel Q&A sessions, more intimate one-on-one interviews and workshops. To broaden access, schools from all over the country were invited to join the online links, with over 50 schools having attended – totalling to an estimated 900 aspiring medics.

Starting off the Conference was Professor Dunachie, a Professor of Topical Medicine, and Dr Strobel, introducing the morning sessions: two workshops, one led by Medical Mavericks, the other by In2Med. The former had a less conventional take, performing a series of tests to display various sides to practising medicine – including the examination of blood vessels and other diagnostic tests. In2Med, on the other hand, provided practical advice on applying to universities, an introduction to the wider, eponymous online education site. Both were highly enriching and provided the invaluable opportunity for those attending to look past an ordinary day-in-the-life.

In the afternoon slots, a series of Q&A sessions were held. This is where OHS students got to step in and lead, posing questions to the likes of the Jenner Institute, consultants, medical students, GPs and registrars. Additionally, nationwide schools joining us were able to ask questions themselves, creating an interactive and engaging afternoon. Therefore, not only did the Conference provide tailored and detailed insight into medical and allied professions, but it additionally allowed students to explore and learn of understated aspects, particularly within research.

Dr Bull and Professor Kerr provided closing remarks, rounding off the day with final insight into their perhaps more elusive specialties in kidney research and nephrology.

Overall, the Medical Conference was an immense success and has certainly provided all OHS Sixth Formers and external joiners with unique knowledge and answers to pressing questions, allowing them to make an informed decision on their educational pathway.

A special thank you to Dr Strobel, who spent many hours (and emails!) arranging the Conference, as well as Mr Hay for ensuring all tech-related matters were organised.

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