
Aneesa Wins CPM Art Competition

17 March 2023

The Centre for Personalised Medicine (CPM) ran an art competition for students in Years 7 to 9 across UK schools on the topic of ‘measurements in health and disease’.

We are pleased to announce that Aneesa in Year 7 won the competition with her stunning artwork. The judges were impressed with Aneesa’s entry and how it conveyed the use of measurements throughout an individual’s lifetime. 

“My artwork, ‘A Lifetime of Measures’ represents everything I learnt about personalised medicine and the fascinating ways that changes in health are monitored and conditions are identified. 

I realised, traditional measures such as scales or thermometers are not obsolete but complementary to modern measures, to develop and provide the right treatment for each person. 

The ‘digital twin’ is a focus as it is a way to capture all the measurements and use these to assess health risks over time. My art shows how important DNA analysis is and how age, sex and ethnicity, though simple, are important when deciding the best treatment. It shows measures are important at different stages of life and may mean different things at different stages.

I noticed that many chemicals used as medicines have hexagonal rings, so I decided to choose a hexagon pattern for my background to represent known and future personalised medicines.” – Aneesa, Year 7


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