
Alumnae Reunion 2024

22 May 2024

On Saturday 11th May 2024, alumnae from the classes of 1974, 1984, 1999, 2014 and 2019 to celebrate their reunion with an afternoon of nostalgia and lovely food to match. 

The reunion was more than a trip down memory lane; it was a celebration of the enduring bonds and resilience of friendships formed at OHS. Stories were exchanged with a mix of nostalgia and humor, and the laughter was contagious as friends reunited with each other. Alumna Vicky Bowman (1984) addressed the audience with her stories of her school days, 

Adding to the nostalgic ambiance was a specially curated playlist titled ‘Songs of Our Schooldays.’ We invited alumnae to contribute a significant song from their time at OHS. As the familiar tunes played in the background, memories flooded back – school discos, trips to university open days and the simple joys of friendship.

The day was not just about looking back, but also about celebrating the lifelong connections forged at OHS. Our alumnae left with hearts full of fond memories and a renewed sense of belonging. We encourage all alumnae and former staff to stay in touch, and if you would like to update your details, you can do so through the GDST’s self-service platform.

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