
Alison’s Award-Winning Short Story

3 July 2024

Year 9 student Alison has captivated readers with her award-winning story, “2056,” which earned her the top prize in the young adult category of the Oxfordshire eBook Short Story Competition. Her short story delves into the profound impact of integrating AI robots into family life, sparking deep reflections on the intertwining of technology and humanity.

“2056,” offers a nuanced exploration of a near-future where the presence of AI in homes alters human relationships in unforeseen ways, touching on themes of trust, autonomy and the essence of being human. 

“I couldn’t believe it and had to stand there for a minute to just let it sink in. And then it hit me, I’m going to be published. That’s amazing!” – Alison

The Oxfordshire eBook Short Story Competition, now celebrating its tenth year, has become a vital platform for showcasing the creative talents of Oxfordshire. Readers eager to read Alison’s “2056” can find it and other winning entries on the Oxfordshire Libraries website or through the Libby app. Alison’s win marks the beginning of a promising journey in literature and her story serves as a thought-provoking prompt about our relationship with emerging technologies.

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