Perspectives is where a Sixth Former learns about herself, her community and the wider world – and how the three areas can meaningfully overlap in an era of unprecedented upheaval and opportunity.
Each of the three strands – Myself, My Community and The Wider World – has a specific focus and enables development in different ways.
Myself provides a focus on identify – who you are and how you feel – reinforced by PSHCE sessions that deliver life skills and clear strategies for physical and mental well-being.
My Community enables students to give something back to their school or local community in a range of ways, whether that’s editing the School Magazine or volunteering with one of our community partnerships in science or the arts.
Finally, The Wider World section of Perspectives sees OHS leverage its connections to the University of Oxford and many other leading institutions in order to create a fascinating series of lectures delivered by leading academics, providing our students with direct access to the latest academic thought and university-style discourse.