There are several ways in which to ensure that your gift to the school is made as securely and conveniently to you as possible. These include Direct Debit payments, tax-efficient giving and the GDST’s own secure payment page for projects associated with Oxford High School.
Direct Debit
Direct Debits are a great way to give regularly and help us plan for future spending. Sign up quickly and easily online or complete the Oxford General Fund donation form and post it back to us here at the school.
Giving tax-efficiently
The Girls’ Day School Trust is a registered charity in the UK (charity number 306983), and as such your donations can benefit from tax efficient giving schemes. If you are a UK taxpayer, please sign the Gift Aid Declaration allowing us to reclaim tax on your gift. It also contains information for higher rate taxpayers wishing to claim tax back.
US taxpayers can make tax efficient donations via the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF) which is a 501 (c) (3) organisation using a Transmittal Form.
Thank you. Your generosity in giving to OHS will help us achieve that goal.
For information on any of these areas, do contact us on