
Lower School Concert

12 June 2024

Written by the Music Department

The final Lower School Concert of the year was a great event, featuring the Lower School Orchestra, the Lower School Choir and the Chamber Choir along with smaller ensembles, duets and solos.

The repertoire ranged from Bach, Haydn and Mendelssohn to no fewer than three items by Cole Porter. In the still of the evening, the music got under our skin and we all got a kick out of it! It was difficult to believe that none of the performers were above Year 9, with the talent on display.

A very memorable and impressive evening all round. The concert concluded with a much-rehearsed and very much enjoyed mash-up item by Year 9 musicians as their farewell to Lower School concerts.

Dates for your diary:

Wednesday 3 July, 5.00 – 6.30pm     Summer Bandstand, Ada Benson Building

Wednesday 10 July, 4.00 – 5.00pm  Chamber Music Festival concert, Music Hall

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