
Portsmouth Residential 2023

21 June 2023

Written by Molly T and Edie B, Year 8

The week we went to Portsmouth was great. All of the trips and activities were fun and interesting, alongside beautiful weather that made it even nicer! Our favourite parts were Brownsea Island and the Portsmouth historical docks. These both involved boat journeys, which were a little scary, but also very enjoyable. Portsmouth docks were so cool as we were able to see a ship that had been under the sea for 437 years! We were also able to do an immersive experience which meant we were able to absorb what it was like uncovering the Mary Rose. 

On Wednesday, we went to Brownsea Island. We went by boat, which was really cool and then we arrived to find a sunny, beautiful island. We loved the nature that was all around us – some species you couldn’t see anywhere else in the UK! We saw rare birds from a hide and, although we didn’t see a red squirrel, it was amazing. It was made even better because of the great weather.

One of the best things about the trip was the independence we had. The teachers led the activities, but we were able to discover the history and look around the sites by ourselves for a lot of the trip. This was wonderful as it showed the teachers trusted us and we could explore the information how we wanted to.

We made so many amazing memories on this trip and we are so glad we went! Thanks so much to Mr Lonsdale for organising such a great trip, and thanks to all the staff who looked after us so well!

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