
Heads of House

22 June 2023

September 2022 saw the children return to the Prep School, full of enthusiasm and excitement for the academic year ahead.

The House teams plunged straight into hustings for our new House Captains, videos were recorded and letters of application were written. Once our new House Captains were elected, we announced our first House Competition. Each girl was asked to design and carve a pumpkin over half-term and bring it on our first day back to be judged.

We had a fantastic response to this competition across both Prep and Pre-Prep. Once the judging was over, the girls were able to come out into the playground to view each other’s pumpkins. Every entry earned valuable House Points as well as bonus points for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!

What a year it’s been in the Unicorn house. It started off with choosing house captains. After receiving nominations Sophie D and Lily S were chosen. Then, we created house families and started to get to know each other. We met fortnightly at each site, celebrated birthdays and organised events.

This year we’ve had relay races, Pumpkin making competitions, Christmas songs and dances. We enjoyed Easter Egg hunts and the Unicorn fundraiser of a movie night after school, which was extremely successful attended by over 200 girls from Years 3 to 6.

House Captains have been such a great help this year, supporting events and meetings at both sites. The Prep school children particularly enjoyed the Scavenger Hunt they arranged for one of our House Meetings.

We were the first house to hold a fundraiser this year so we had lots of great ideas to choose from. Griffin voted to hold a bake sale, they took full responsibility for baking and bringing in a wide variety of delicious and tempting treats to sell!


The girls in Wyvern House are lively and gregarious! We have been delighted and astounded by their ideas and enthusiasm for all the fundraisers and events that we have been part of this year.

Recently, the children decorated a Wyvern using their fingerprints. This was an activity that took place in one of our House meetings. Both Prep and Pre-Prep Wyverns had the opportunity to make their mark!

This year has excellent for Yale, our 2022/23 House captains Sophia R and Hannah R, have made the team proud by leading us on various moments of enjoyment!

In September, we welcomed two new additions to our House, two cuddly goats, Leya (Bardwell road) and Gabby (Woodstock road). They made their arrival students were selected to look after them until the following half term. In December, we put on a show during the Christmas song celebration, with our heart warming rendition of Last Christmas. The kitchen staff also made their house debut! We also had a Secret Santa event where the girls made presents for someone else in the house!

In the spring term we were victorious in our efforts to win a sports event, pulling out a first for House Netball!

In the final term of the year, the students at the Pre-Prep site enjoyed an afternoon of fate activities whilst the Prep girls got soaking wet in our Yale Wet Wednesday event.

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