
Kilve 2023 – Diya

13 June 2023

Written by Diya S, Year 7

The journey started off with a bus ride over to Kilve, with the glamorous views of Somerset accompanying us on the way. When we got there, we felt all our excitement building up to the dorm lists and activity groups with luckily everyone pleased when they were announced. After a small time settling down in our new place, we were ready for our very first activity! My group’s first activity was beach walking. We learnt about a range of fossils, with us being able to use our knowledge when on the beach. Even when slipping in the rock pools, we made sure to help each other up and have fun. Who knew there were shells called toenails? 

Each day, we had two main activities and an evening one. On Monday, our evening activity was high ropes. No one expected how much teamwork would be involved, and even how a fear of heights could be put aside while climbing. With our dinner straight after, everyone was starving by that point. I was almost certain I could eat the plates at that point!

In the bedrooms, we socialised and had lots of snacks (maybe even midnight feasts)!

On the next day, our group (F) had rock climbing (with abseiling) and beach games. The bus ride over gave us a lovely view of the beach and the massive cliff we were about to climb. We got into groups and each took turns climbing up. Many people got to where they were comfortable, while others challenged themselves to the top. The abseiling cliff was so high you could see Wales, and the way down felt like miles. After lunch, we were ready for beach games. We did sandcastle competitions, cricket, volleyball and lots more. The sandcastle competition was very intense, with people fighting for 1st place. Our evening activity that day was low ropes. With everyone exhausted at the end, we went back to bed and fell asleep in a rush.

The next day, we went kayaking and sailing, with everyone dying to get into the water in the boiling sun, this was probably many people’s favourite (including mine). Kayaking in the water needed a lot of physical strength, but gave us a nice refreshing feel. Sailing was probably the most chaotic fun I ever experienced. With hearing the stories of people capsizing, I had one goal. To not capsize. 

On Thursday, we went mountain boarding and biking. Apparently, on a clear day you can even see France from the biking hill.  Friday made us think how the week passed so quickly, but with our last activity (paddle boarding) we enjoyed our last few hours. With our parents greeting at the end, we were all wishing we could stay another week.

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