
Sports Roundup

23 March 2023

Written by Ms K McGonigle, Director of PE & Sport

It has been an incredibly busy term for PE and Sport since the last newsletter, when the cold conditions had curtailed much of the activity! The PE curriculum has continued to be enjoyed by all, with a breadth of activities on offer for students to enjoy and learn new skills, both in sport and in life.

In the hockey world, our U12’s went to their first County Tournament and played superbly well. They had their share of wins, draws and losses and hugely enjoyed the day, progressing so much as the tournament went on. The U13’s also did very well at their County Tournament, with the A team particularly excelling and doing exceptionally well to finish in 4th place. The B team improved hugely throughout the tournament and were delighted with the goal they scored on the day!

In indoor cricket, the U13 and U15 teams did very well at the Lady Taverners tournament, with the U13A and U15A teams advancing to the County Finals where they gave an excellent account of themselves amongst the best in the County! 

There have been so many netball fixtures from U12-U18 with A-C teams out in full force. It would be impossible to say all the results or how many fixtures without taking up the whole newsletter, but what I will say is that it has been a fantastic term of netball with all our teams doing their absolute best and giving their all for Oxford High School. It has been a real pleasure to see how the teams have progressed and developed and, most importantly, enjoyed their netball. Our U13 netball teams enjoyed their residential trip to Condover, where they learnt lots about themselves, netball and bonded even further as a group – trips like this are about so much more than sport and we hope our students love every minute of them.

Our swimmers have also been enjoying swimming galas and doing very well individually and as a team.

Football has also been in full swing with many fixtures, including lots of National Cup fixtures. Our U13’s and U15’s are still enjoying their Sisters in Sport Cup run, and our U18’s are still enjoying their IFSA Cup run. We absolutely love to see how the interest and success in football continues to grow here at Oxford High School.

We have had huge cross country success with our junior team running extremely well at National Finals. We also had two students running at the Biathlon National Finals, with Niamh performing extremely well and Charlotte finishing 3rd, which is an incredible achievement!

The GDST Rally in Bromley went ahead despite the snow/slush/torrential rain, with our U13 footballers finishing in 3rd place and our U18 netball team narrowly missing out on a place in the Plate final. A really tough day weather-wise and the students did incredibly well to perform on the day, all things considered! Our sports scholars and high performance athletes were also lucky enough to be part of the GDST Scholars Day, where there were various workshops and talks by specialists and international athletes to inspire them in their future lives, on and off the sports field.

And, last by not least, we had our first evening Dance Show last week, which showcased a huge array of talent and diverse range of dance styles. The evening was spectacular, with the vast majority of routines choreographed by students themselves, we continue to be amazed by their brilliance. We are very excited about dance continuing to blossom here at Oxford High and look forward to many more shows in the future.

As Easter approaches, that means it’s time for ‘Winter’ sports to take a back seat and Summer sports to take centre stage. So, as we look to the term ahead, we will see lots of athletics, tennis, rounders, cricket and much more.

As always, a big thank you and well done to all our students who partake in curriculum PE and co-curricular clubs with enthusiasm and commitment, you really are wonderful.

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