
Spotlight On: PSHCE

9 February 2023

PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship & Education) has changed dramatically over the last few years, with an even greater transformation over the last few decades.

Here at Oxford High School, we believe that for PSHCE to be useful, it needs to be relevant and age appropriate. We proactively aim to cover topics before students face the difficult decisions in their life. As well this, our programme is reactive, acting as quickly as possible to individual, local and worldwide circumstances. 

We work closely with the pastoral teams and use national and local events to support our teaching, such as Anti-bullying week. For this initiative, our Year 7 and 8s made t-shirts with slogans and connected with another GDST school. 

Wellness Week

As part of Children’s Mental Health week, we arranged a Wellness Week in school. Our Wellness Week was a success, with students enjoying a range of exciting opportunities including mindfulness colouring, nail painting, healthy smoothies as well and a Happiness talk from psychotherapist Laura Duester. Following the success of Wellness Week, we are excited to let you know about Empathy Week. This event, after half term, promises to be an equally interesting week, with a whole host of inspiring activities.

Keeping in Touch

We are in the process of enhancing how we work with parents, so if you would like to offer feedback on our ‘Keeping in Touch’ talks or offer further suggestions, please complete this form.

PSHCE Curriculum

This academic year we have introduced weekly PSHCE lessons for all students. These thought-provoking lessons, enjoy a discussion-based approach. We aim to to increase knowledge, build confidence and their ability to explore the full range of choices available to them, so they can make informed decisions. Our PSHCE lessons cover a wide range of topics, tailored to each year group. These include everything from mental health, sustainability and careers, to politics! Alongside the lessons, we utilise the expertise of guest speakers, the school nurse and local police. We recently enjoyed a visit from Victoria Prentis MP, the Attorney General, who gave our Year 8s and 9s some insights into life as a politician. They also asked her some challenging questions on current affairs!

We invite you to read our PSHCE curriculum and get in touch if you have any questions. We look forward to sharing more exciting developments in PSHCE and Wellbeing, over the next year.

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